Talk about moral--or in this case, immoral--equivalencies, here’s one for you:

87 VA Tech Suicide-Killers = 19 Islam Fundamentalist Suicide-Murderers



/////////////////////////VA///TECH///et al///KILLER///s//////////////////////////////////////////

            ........VA TECH .......
   beware of botoxed looking faces
   made not of botulism but layered laces
   of a billion unthinking Choices
   ‘uzing thru evil taught monotone voices.


  al KILLERs.......
   Maybe suicide is better than mass murder?
   When the zombie murderer is kept alive
   By one ‘h psychiatry ‘high on drugs.
   Yikes, talk about gliches and bugs!

By ‘high do you mean one step above hell?
Yes. And more, just before that one rung broke.


Summer fun restored ...


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