So as I was saying.

   School is out, summer is here!

   If we were 10 years old we’d be hitchiking out to the local swimming hole but since we are 60% of that squared we will be driving our own car out to the race track instead (for the next 20 or 30 years or so ... at which time I suppose ... we'll probably have to resort to taking the bus).

   Thoroughbred racing and summer (for some) go together like summer and swimming for 10 year olds (with bicycles and/or thumbs).

   Why this is so I don’t know for sure, but I think it has something to do with religion (see March Newsletter link to the rewrite of the Ten Commandments and especially the Fourth Commandment, from: Remember the sabath and keep it holy, to All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy)...sTs...(that is, ...soTOspeak ... ).

   Since Recreation is one of life’s WASHeRs (that is, one of a handful of ‘things’ that can bathe us in pleasure), we are going to introduce the only kind of recreation I’ve had time for over the years ... or rather, the only kind in addition to the Indian Casino’s 2¢ slot machines.

   That is, for “our” ongoing Recreation needs we will be dealing with betting on Thoroughbred races.

   And “we” are doing this for three basic reasons: 1) As your Venn Master I feel responsible for giving you some kind of recreational outlet and 2) because in the long run I will be writing a book outlining the total picture of my (TMS) handicapping system which--of course I think--is unique and though it doesn’t work as well as I would like it to, it still works good enough (that is, it produces some secret picks for you alone to have and bet on at the track, and to win on, sometimes, so as) to produce some fine entertainment/recreational moments and 3) in my soon to be started Book 2—in the Chapter on “Volition in Man and Prediciton in Science”—I plan to rely heavily on prediciton of outcome in horse racing as example in showing how this Chapter’s title is not the contradiction-in-terms the psychological determinists claim it to be.

   Since it is a psycHHological truism that pleasure is a profound psychological need we too have to get our pleasure from the various sources that exist in life.

   And even though we can get some pleasure each from multiple sources, or lots of pleasure from a few of the sources, our goal is to get a lot from a lot.

   That way, “they” will not be able to control us through our sterile approach to life that has only one outlet say, for pleasure. (I suppose I could say, really sterile means no outlet, but I don’t think this is possible for humans – at least not in-the-long-run ... horse racing pun not intended ... over the long haul everyone needs pleasure, life offers several sources for this and where and how you get yours within life's sources, ultimately is up to you).


    "... it all started in a little 5000 watt sta..."