Fundamentalist Religion and Dictatorships = The biggest destroyers of individual rights known to man.

Religion Watch & Moral Engineering

pMe = ƒ(C3)  versus  oMe = ƒ(C3)

F.u.t.u.r.e Proof:  pMe  .se.  oMe

          Given:  oMe = rMe

(where: p=ersonal , o=bjective, r=eality)
(M=oral, e=quivalency, f=unction of)
(C’s=C ommandments, C ovenants, C ontext)

( .se. stands for: should equal )


Notice, in  r eality  jumping out of a tree from a height that only produces a sprained angle is not equivalent to jumping from a height that produces death.  


Dictator Watch & Moral Engineering

same "equation" forms as above

see above


Notice, in  r eality  a dictatorship run country is not equivalent to a freedom run country so why do sloppy thinkers make them equivalent by referring to each as a "soverign" country? Whereas non-sloppy, that is, precision thinkers do not? (Is this an example of answering one’s own question? Yes.)