... from Dec '07 NewsLetter ILP section ...

(as contrasted with true laissez faire capitalism systems, which, theory has it – i.e., von Mises says – in such true free markets, corrections - as same may be required from time to time - occurr rapidly ... I wonder, does this mean that one could use the long drawn out time durations between America’s major stock market tops and her corresponding bottomes as some kind of measure of the degree to which markets are not free? Yes (see Part I for a lead on definition of defining). One perhaps could use Mixalism's tops and bottoms as some kind of measure, but only iff (if-and-only-if) one can define, rapidly ... and since this doesn’t seem to be possible to do theoretically the only solution is to do it empirically, that is, to have an actual, 100% laissez-faire capitalism system in this – or some – country. Again, I’d prefer it be America but ... I’d prefer more to see it happen somewhere in my life time ... which leaves only 45 more years ... which might not be enough ... so ... maybe the theoretical approach will have to be tried ... tbcm ... m here is for maybe ... )

Just ‘caught’ myself in an intellectual lie ... that lie is this .... everytime 100% lfc comes up in my thoughts to a point strong enough for me to write about it (such as in the above) I usually say that it matters not to me whether America or some other Country adopts a 100% lfc society first but the truth is, it does matter. I want it to be America and not some other country but it looks as if I am not going to get what I want (I guess the Objectivists are right, wishing does not work). It appears by all counts that the heart of capitalism is moving to Asia (again, I believe the professional Objectivists were predicting this back in the ‘90’s so I have no real reason to be surprised ... as to why I couldn’t act on their ‘predictions’ and made some money in stocks is a different issue ... rather it is not a different issue, but a deeper aspect to the “problem” of prediction in science and volition in man as same is an apparent problem for academic psychology which desires to be as much a science as is physics ... and I do digress ... so ... halt

I give myself until the next BiO Spiritualism NewsLetter (first part of '08) to see if my Stock Market ‘prediciton’ from ought seven's September NL comes true. If it doesn’t by then then I’ll admit defeat and if it does I’ll give myself a score less than one but bigger than or equal to 0.76.

The tenative principle is this: A prediction that has no action value is valueless.

I think ... maybe ... I dunno for sure ... tbd.