Because a malevolent universe premise, broadly speaking, is one of only two choices open to people, once it is the chosen one the other choice (Benevolent Universe Premise) cannot occupy the throne at the core of your being.

   Or that is to say, a question can’t have two different answers at the same time.

   The core question we all ask ourselves (granted some of us do it more explicitly than others, but that too is beyond our scope here) is : Where am I?

   As a Christian born and raised, my answer was: I am living in a haunted house universe.

   As a (re)trained Biocentric Objectivist (or BiO Spiritualist as I like to say), my answer became: I am living in a knowable universe that is pretty much indifferent to my hopes, wishes and fears.

   That is, I live in a universe that pretty much could give a shit less whether or not I succeed.

   The succeeding or failing is entirely up to me.

   Granted, I have to do it within the rules and laws of the Universe, but if I obey them I can pretty much have all the happiness I can (condition myself to) stand.


   If not then not.

   That is, as an Engineer I know that the truism, Nature to be commanded, must be obeyed, is not a trivial observation, but rather a very very profound one.

   And in like fashion, so too the Ayn Rand one: Consciousness to be apprehended must be obeyed.

   So, as sad but true as it is: once a current vice ... President--Al Gore--has become and/or wants to become the first High Priest of the new religion ( I was going to say, Pope, but I don’t know the Pope at all let alone well enough to insult him this much).

   And based on the Hollywood establishment votes of a throw-that-dog-a-bone, he’s-been-a-pretty-darn-good-liberal liberal done-wrong-by-the-supreme-court (morally bankrupt or corrupt or both I don’t know which for sure) Hollywood establishment, it looks like the ex-vice President, qua Academy Award winner, is going to achieve his goal.

   As to me, well ... I just don’t know what to do with this.

   You could say, I don’t know where to continue with this.


   That doesn’t mean I don’t know where to end it.

   For now.