Islam is worse than Christianity (that is, modern-post-Spanish Inquisition-Christianity) is a no-brainer and as such is really thee Religion that needs some serious deProgramming focus.
   I am not Islamo-Muslim so I can’t help them and I’m not sure they can help themselves. The ones living in free countries probably can, but those in dictatorships are probably .... fucked.
   Hey. It’s not my fault. I didn’t create the monsters known as Islamo-Muslim Parents ... what kind of parent would do such a thing to its sons??? And if you are going to argue, what about Christianity and God’s message to Abraham as Bob Dylan so artistically countered in his Highway 61 Revisited song? Alls I can say is: where? ... is Islam’s Bob Dylan?
   Well, not all.
   Islam’s Bob Dylan has probably been killed several times over. The Bob Dylans of the world flourish in freedom loving societies, not religion loving-at-the-expense-of-individual-rights-killing societies.
   So if you are Islam in the Middle East sense of the term, deProgram yourself and stop teaching your young to blow themselves up while trying to take as many of us westerners as they can with them to their grave.
   And if you refuse to become a real parent (a real parent is one who values the actual life of their children) and insist instead on being an agent of your religioius authorities and continue preaching to your kids to blow themselves up then be sure to not close your eyes when you look in a mirror. That way you won’t be able to escape the ‘ambulance’ like word—liv3—stamped in readable, albeit faint, letters on the hood of your head (that is, on your forehead, metaphorically speaking).

As to you Christians who need either to start or to continue your deProgramming work, follow this link.
(Islamist parents, if you want to follow this link, go ahead because there’s some stuff in here for you too to ponder)